Nairobi-Arusha-Moshi Shuttle Booking

East Africa Mountain climbing adventures Shuttle services and Car hire is a Kenyan tourist shuttles that provides daily shuttle transport from Nairobi,arusha and moshi via Namanga border in East African Region . Shuttle tour Operator is Based in Nairobi and provides its services to tourist interested in excursions/Safaris in Kenya and Zanzibar {TANZANIA} for beach safaris , camping and other parts of East Africa. The Tour Operator has various Tourist pick up Location in many of the Hotels in Nairobi Nairobi-Arusha-Moshi Shuttle Booking
Parkside hotel
Hilton hotel
Fairmount the Norfolk hotel
Kipepeo hotel
Millimani back packers
Fair view hotel Nairobi
May fair hotel
Panari hotel
We also picks our clients travelling to Arusha or moshi at JKIA(Jomo Kenyatta International Airport)
For Tanzania Tours, when in Moshi for a tour, our shuttle bus picks Tourists from safaris from Spring Land Hotel, Bufffalo Hotel , Zebra Hotel and Keys Hotel.
For Arusha the shuttle bus picks from:
Impala Hotel
77 hotel
Mezaluna Hotel
City link Hotel
Palison Hotel
Hotel Aquiline
Arusha crown Hotel
Hotel Manon
Arusha tourist hotel
From | To | Departure | Price Per Person |
Nairobi | Arusha | 0800hrs | $25 |
Nairobi | Arusha | 1400hrs | $25 |
Nairobi | Moshi | 0800hrs | $35 |
Arusha | Nairobi | 0800hrs | $25 |
Arusha | Nairobi | 1400hrs | $25 |
Moshi | Nairobi | 0600hrs | $35 |
Moshi | Nairobi | 1100hrs | $25 |
Contact us today for a booking and we will organize pick up from any hotel in Nairobi. Nairobi-Arusha-Moshi Shuttle Booking
Travel information
Kenya Visa, Passport & Entry Requirements
Passport, Visa and Entry requirements for Kenya – Essential reading before you travel to Kenya
Get more detailed information on:
and if Travelling to Tanzania
The attention of all applicants for visas should be drawn to immigration requirements set out below:
• i. Valid passports, or other travel documents including Seaman’s Discharge Book, acceptable to the Government of Kenya are required for all persons wishing to enter Kenya .
• ii. Passports issued by the Governments of Taiwan (Nationalist China) are not recognized as valid travel documents and no official endorsements should be made therein:
Subject to the exemptions mentioned below, an immigration pass or permit is required by all persons, other than Kenya citizens wishing to enter Kenya .
All persons who are entitled to privileges and immunities under the Privileges and Immunities Act (Cap. 179) and who are covered under section 4(3) (a) to (g) of the Immigration Act (Cap. 172) Laws of Kenya.
A bona fide visitor may be issued with a visitor’s pass on arrival at a port of entry into Kenya valid for a period not exceeding three months in the first instance provided that he is in possession of a valid passport or other travel document acceptable to the Government of Kenya, has a valid visa where required, is in possession of sufficient funds for subsistence while in Kenya and a return, or onward ticket to his country of origin, domicile or destination.
Travellers entering Kenya by road from Sudan , Somalia or Ethiopia should be advised to pass through the gazetted entry points and report immediately to an Immigration Officer.
The following categories of persons are classified as prohibited Immigrants in Kenya and accordingly shall not be issued with visas or permitted to enter Kenya :
• Any persons incapable of supporting himself/herself or his/her accompanying dependants in Kenya .• Any person suffering from a mental disorder or being a mental defective.
• Any person who refused to submit to medical examination on arrival when required to do so by an Immigration Officer in accordance with the provisions of the Immigration Act.
• Any person certified by a medical practitioner to be suffering from a disease, which shall make his/her presence in Kenya undesirable on medical grounds
• Any person who, not having received a free pardon has been convicted in any country including Kenya , of murder, or of any offence for which a sentence of imprisonment has been passed for any term and who, by reasons of such conviction and imprisonment is considered to be an undesirable immigrant.
• Any person whose entry and presence in Kenya is deemed by the Minister to be contrary to national interests, including persons suspected to be involved with or sympathetic to terrorist groups.
• Any prostitute or person living on or receiving or who has lived on or received the proceeds of prostitution.
• Any person in respect of whom there is in force an order directing him/her to remain out of Kenya .
• Any dependants of the persons mentioned in the foregoing categories and classes.
• Any person who is involved or suspected to be involved in illicit trafficking and trade in narcotics.
• Any person or groups of persons who are involved or suspected to be involved in human trafficking.
• Any person involved or suspected to be involved in illicit arms trade.
• Any person involved or suspected to be involved in money laundering.
Visa Fee Rates From the High Commission of the United Republic of Tanzania Nairobi-Arusha-Moshi Shuttle Booking
Country | Visa Fee USSD | Country | Visa Fee USSD |
Australia | 33 | Italy | 41 |
Austria | 28 | Japan | 26 |
Algeria | 20 | Jordan | 20 |
Angola | 20 | Korea (N/S) | 20 |
Argentina | 23 | Kuwait | 20 |
Belgium | 40 | Lebanon | 20 |
Brazil | 29 | Luxembourg | 25 |
Burundi | 54 | Madagascar | 20 |
Bahrain | 20 | Mali | 20 |
Cameroon | 20 | Mauritania | 20 |
Chad | 20 | Mexico | 35 |
Canada | 50 | Morocco | 20 |
Chile | 25 | Mozambique | 30 |
China | 20 | Nepal | 20 |
Colombia | 25 | Netherlands | 50 |
Comoro | 20 | Norway | 23 |
Congo-B/Ville | 20 | Nigeria | 20 |
Congo-Demo/Rep. | 50 | Niger | 20 |
Costa Rica | 30 | Oman | 35 |
Cuba | 20 | Pakistan | 200 |
Czech. Rep. | 20 | Philippines | 20 |
Cote D’ Voire | 20 | Peru | 20 |
Denmark | 20 | Poland | 20 |
Djibouti | 35 | Portugal | 20 |
Equador | 25 | Russia | 20 |
Egypt | 25 | Salvador | 50 |
Ethiopia | 30 | S/Arabia | 20 |
Finland | 25 | Senegal | 20 |
Former Yugoslavia | 20 | Seychelles | 20 |
France | 25 | Somalia | 20 |
Gabon | 20 | Panama | 20 |
Germany | 20 | Spain | 25 |
Greece | 25 | Switzerland | 20 |
Guatemala | 20 | South Africa | 30 |
Guinea | 20 | Syria | 20 |
Hungary | 20 | Sweden | 20 |
Indonesia | 20 | Togo | 20 |
Iran | 20 | Thailand | 20 |
Iraq | 20 | Turkey | 20 |
India | 40 | U.S.A | 50 |
Israel | 20 | United Arab Emirates | 20 |
All other countires not on the list USSD 20 except New Zealand and Ireland- America USSD100 Please note Tanzania Tourist visa is USSD 50 and you can get it at Namanga border Valid for 2 weeks | Uruguay | 20 | |
United Kingdom | 55 | ||
Venezuela | 20 | ||
Yemen | 20 |